In a
previous post the impact of a single amino acid substitution was evaluated using the DNAstar software tools. By loading a reference protein sequence and looking at the predicted structure, then simulating a substitution and evaluating the predicted structural changes that the variation would cause, we had hoped to observe a tangible change in the predicted secondary structure. Unfortunately, substituting the amino acid
LYS304GLU(LYS329GLU) into the ACADM sequence did not appear to cause a significant change in the protein. In this post we will look at the 3 dimensional structure of the protein as predicted by crystallography, compare the prediction of DNAstar secondary structural yo determine the accuracy of the algorithmic structural prediction as well as philosophize about the possible impact of the variant.
To begin, an appropriate crystal structure needed to be selected. Using the NCBI "structure" search tool and using 'ACADM' as the search term, 8 structures were returned. By limiting to Taxonomy: Homo Sapiens, the first sequence was selected as it was the only option which did not contain a variant. The PDB ID for the sequence is
1T9G, and has available structures for Cn3D and PDB. The Cn3D file was download as was the
Cn3D software version 4.3.1 .
An Image of the protein (space filling model) can be seen here:
Because the protein is large and takes up a great deal of space a tube model can be seen here:
The protein appears to have 7 subunits each with its own sequence. Assuming the sequence is correct, this would help explain the difficulty in predicting a folding change caused by a single amino acid substitution. Because of the complexity of many subunits interacting together to catalyze a reaction, a small change which may not appear to affect a single subunit, could have a subtle impact on the interaction on how the subunits folded into each other, resulting in the larger failure of the enzyme and the clinical phenotype presentation.
Seven subunits come together to from the larger enzyme complex, of these 7, 4 are identical and have sequence matching the protein sequence of ACADM. A space filling model of a single unit can be seen here:
To evaluate the location of our amino acid substitution, the original sequence, without the substitution was used to find the identical region. Here we see the original sequence on top and the same sequence below with the amino acid substitution added, the amino acid substitution which was evaluated previously can be seen below in red.
The reference sequence in yellow was used to identify the same location in the protein structure and it can be seen here highlighted in yellow:
To view the secondary structure of the protein the tube model can be seen below. On the left is overall view of the protein as a tube model and on the right is a zoomed in view of the region of interest.
To refresh our memory from the last post here is the image of the DNAstar prediction of the secondary structure, with the amino acid of interest highlighted in black:
When comparing the structural prediction algorithms of DNAstar to the crystal structure, we can see that the algorithms, for the most part, are correct. The Garnier-Robson, and the Chou-Fasman correctly predicted the alpha-turn helix structure at the location of interest while also correctly predicting the absence of the Beta-sheet or flex region. The Eisenberg algorithm, however, both did not predict Alpha-helix and did predict a Beta-sheet in the area of the variation.
The prediction of the protein secondary structure by DNAstar appeared to be correct when comparing to the crystal structure, however no change in the secondary structure was observed when the variation was substituted in and the structure was reevaluated. As stated earlier, the active protein is actually composed of 7 subunits and 4 of these subunits are composed of our protein of interest ACADM. By highlighted the region where our variation would occur across the same 4 subunits we can see it highlighted here in yellow (yellow arrows are used to point to the region of interest).
These regions appear to be in close proximity to the other proteins in the final form of the active protein complex. Given the proximity of these residues, and the change in charge of the substitution it is possible that this substitution actually interfere with the forming of the complex itself. It would be interesting to design an assay which would label the subunits while persevering the subunit interaction with each other. A gel could be run to check for size separation, with the reference sequence appearing in two positions, a smaller size of the single subunits which have yet to be incorporated into a protein complex, and a second signal from the larger protein complex. The assay could be repeated with cells containing the genetic mutation, which results in the amino acid substitution of interest, the smaller signal should still be detected, but if the substitution interferes with the complex formation there should be no signal from the larger protein complex.
There are many ways the amino acid change could affect the protein, it could block binding of the substrate itself, or interfere in some complex way with the catalytic site of the larger protein complex, or there may even be other more abstract interaction which could cause a problem. Based on the DNAstar results and the observations of the structural view, it doesn't appear to be structural changes in the single subunit.